Arquitectura de marca_IASlab_Blanc-1

One of the reference spaces in Europe in the study of digital creativity, the interaction between person and machine and the audiovisual, multisensory and immersive sector

October 24, 2024 | 12.00 h


12.00h: Facilities visit

12.35h Institucional interventions

13.00h Toast & small bite

13.30h End of the act


A space to study the immersive evolution of the audiovisual and multisensory industry


The IASlab is a research center for the new audiovisual and multisensory sector. With a marked multidisciplinary character, it constitutes a unique and unifying environment that will help the sector in the transition towards new technologies. It is a laboratory specialized in digital technologies that studies the growth of media, art and digital entertainment content while being a lever for the evolution of other sectors through experiences.

Immersive experiences
foto efecte 3D

A transversal immersive laboratory in which the entire campus ecosystem dialogues

With the aim of helping the development of society, the IASlab is a transversal immersive laboratory in which all the elements that make up the ecosystem of La Salle Barcelona – Universitat Ramon Llull dialogue: research, academia, companies, startups, administration and other social agents.

Acoustic laboratories

A sustainable laboratory, which consolidates the ecological commitment and care of the environment of La Salle Campus Barcelona

The new digital arts, science and entertainment laboratory has been designed as a sustainable and energy-efficient building, which will make the most of natural resources, reducing their consumption while optimizing and reusing all energy. From a production point of view, the IASlab will focus on the 'three p's': planet, people and profit.


Un laboratori sostenible, que 
consolida el compromís ecològic i de cura del medi ambient de La Salle

El nou laboratori en arts digitals, ciència i entreteniment s’ha projectat com a edifici sostenible i eficient energèticament, que aprofitarà al màxim els recursos naturals, tot reduint el seu consum i optimitzant i reutilitzant tota l’energia. Des del punt de vista de la producció, l’IASlab s’enfocarà en les ‘tres p’: planet, people and profit.

Un espai per estudiar l’evolució immersiva de la indústria audiovisual i multisensorial

L’IASlab és un pol de recerca del nou sector audiovisual i multisensorial. Amb un marcat caràcter internacional i multidisciplinari, es constitueix en un entorn únic i aglutinador que ajudarà al sector en la transició cap a les noves tecnologies. És un laboratori immersiu en tecnologies digitals que estudia el creixe ment de continguts mèdia, art i d’entreteniment digital alhora que és una palanca per l’evolució d’altres sectors a través de les experiències.

Interior llena-v05

In collaboration with:


This project is co-financed by the Department of Research and Universities of the Generalitat of Catalonia, within the framework of the Call EMC/954/2019, of April 9, for the realization of unique institutional projects that enable the generation of research excellence, the attraction of talent and the development of knowledge transfer and valorisation activities, through the construction, acquisition, enabling or substantial expansion of buildings for R&D infrastructures ( file number 2019 SINGU 00016) with a grant of €1,882,302.14.

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